Girls Basketball

Jacey Hammon - OCA and OGBCA Basketball All State!
Emilee Hedger - OGBCA Basketball All State!

2024 District Champions

2024 Conference Champions
Conference Coach of the Year - Grant Gash
Offensive MVP - Jacey Hammon
Defensive MVP - Emilee Hedger
1st Team - Marya Southerland
Honorable Mention - Emory Glavan, Hattie Nance, Chloe Hightower

Congratulations to Jacey Hammon and Emilee Hedger- 1000 HS Career Points!!

Congratulations to Jacey Hammon for signing with OBU to play basketball and track!

Plainview Lady Indians - Lindsay Tournament Champions
Marya Southerland - MVP
Jacey Hammon and Emilee Hedger - All Tournament Team